Ван Гог. Жизнь. Том 1. Том 2 - Найфи Стивен
Список библиографических сокращений
Архивные документы
VGFA – Vincent van Gogh Foundation Archives
Aafjes, n. p., VGFA
VGFA. Borinage File. Aafjes, Bertus. Vincent van Gogh. 1952.
Andries Bonger, VGFA
VGFA. Andries Bonger File. Andries Bonger.
Bernard, n. p., VGFA
VGFA. Bernard File. Bernard, Émile. Impressionistes.
Bernard to Aurier, n. p., VGFA
VGFA. Bernard File. Bernard, Émile. Letter from Émile Bernard to Albert Aurier. 1889.
Bonger H. Ch., VGFA
VGFA. Theo van Gogh File. Archives of the Clerk. no. 1235. 1890. Bonger, Hendrik Christiaan. Request by Hendrik Christiaan Bonger to allow Theo to stay in the institute for a period of one year.
Brussel ziet Van Gogh, n. p., VGFA
VGFA. Brussels File. Brussel ziet Van Gogh. 1927.
Carbentus Genealogy, n. p., VGFA
VGFA. Carbentus Genealogy, n. p. b4509, V/1962
De Bom, n. p., VGFA
VGFA. Bom File. Bom, Emmanuel de. Victor Hagemannen Herinneringen van Vincent van Gogh. 1938.
Een Vijfenzeventig-Jarige Mevr. E. H. du Quesne-van Gogh, n. p., VGFA
VGFA. Elizabeth du Quesne-van Gogh File. 1935. Een Vijfenzeventig-Jarige Mevr. E. H. du Quesne-van Gogh.
Gauthier, VGFA
VGFA. Ravoux File. Gauthier, Maximilien. Le Femme en bleu nous parle de L’Homme à l’oreillecoupée.
Gérin, n. p., VGFA
VGFA. Borinage File. Gérin, Louis. Vincent van Gogh au Borinage.
Howard, VGFA
VGFA. Howard. Missions in Protestant Europe. Photocopy.
Hugenholtz, n. p., VGFA
VGFA. Mauve File. Hugenholtz Arina. In Memoriam. 1888.
Lemmonier, VGFA
VGFA. Lemmonier File. Lemmonier. Antwerpenenzijn Merkwaardigheden (Antwerp and its Peculiarities). 1885.
Name van Gogh, n. p., VGFA
VGFA. The Name van Gogh.
Pabst, VGFA
VGFA. Van Stockum-Haanebeek File. Pabst, Fieke. Notes on Annet and Caroline Haanebeek.
Ruggenberg, n. p., VGFA
VGFA. Members of the Family File. Ruggenberg, Rob. Vincent en de vrouwen. 1978.
Testament van de Kunsthandekaar Vincent van Gogh, n. p., VGFA
VGFA. Uncle Cent File. Het Testament van de Kunsthandekaar Vincent van Gogh en het Leven van de Weduwe Vrouwe Cornelia van Gogh-Carbentus.
Van den Dobbelstein, n. p., VGFA.
VGFA. Drenthe File. Dobbelstein, Rob van den. Nergensanders zo dicht op de schlepping.
Van Gogh in Nuenen, n. p., VGFA
VGFA. Nuenen File. Vincent van Gogh in Nuenen.
Van Gogh Maria Johanna, 1859, VGFA
VGFA. Gogh, Maria Johanna van. Aantekeningen over de familie van Gogh door Tante Mietje tot 1859 (History of the van Gogh Family, by Aunt Mietje, to 1859). 1859.
Van Gogh Maria Johanna, 1899, n. p., VGFA
VGFA. Brievenen Documenten. Gogh, Mietje van. Notitieboekje met aantekeningen over familie Van Gogh. 1899. b 3259 V/1962 (boek, pen in inkt).
Van Gogh Maria Johanna, 1900, n. p., VGFA
VGFA. Gogh, Maria Johanna van. Aantekeningen over de familie van Gogh door Tante Mietje 1859 tot 1883 (History of the Van Gogh Family, by Aunt Mietje, 1859 to 1883). 1900, n. p., Vincent van Gogh Foundation Archives.
Van Gogh Maria Johanna, 1900, VGFA
VGFA. Gogh, Maria Johanna van. Aantekeningen over de familie van Gogh door Tante Mietje 1859 tot 1883 (History of the Van Gogh Family, by Aunt Mietje, 1859 to 1883). 1900.
Van Gogh-Carbentus Anna Cornelia, n. p., VGFA
VGFA. Notes from Anna Cornelia van Gogh-Carbentus. 1852. Collection of Mrs. A. Weenink-Riem Vis, Bilthoven.
Van Houten-van Gogh Anna Cornelia, n. p., VGFA
VGFA. Van Houten-Gogh, Anna Cornelia. Voor Saar (For Saar, History of Van Gogh Family), n. p.
Ackroyd, Peter. London: The Biography. – London: Chatto and Windus, 2000.
Aglionby, William. The Present State of the United Provinces of the Low-Countries as to the Government, Laws, Forces, Riches, Manners, Customs, Revenue, and Territory of the Dutch / collected by William Aglionby, Fellow of the Royal Society. – London: John Starkey, 1669.
Arnold, 1992
Arnold, Wilfred Neil. Vincent van Gogh: Chemicals, Crises, and Creativity. – Boston: Birkhaüser, 1992.
Bailey, 1990
Bailey, Martin. Young Vincent: The Story of Van Gogh’s Years in England. – London: Allison and Busby, 1990.
Balzac, Honoré de. Lost Illusions / transl. by Herbert J. Hunt. – London: Penguin Books, 1837–1843.
Blanc, Charles. Les artistes de mon temps. – Paris: Firmin-Didot, 1876.
Brief Happiness
Brief Happiness: The Correspondence of Theo van Gogh and Jo Bonger / ed. by Leo Jansen and Jan Robert with introduction and commentary by Han van Crimpen. – Amsterdam: Van Gogh Museum; Zwolle: Waanders, 1999.
Brouwer, Siesling, Vis
Brouwer, Jaap W., Siesling, Jan Laurens, Vis, Jacques. Anthon van Rappard / transl. by G. Kilburn and G. Schwartz; Rijksmuseum Vincent van Gogh. – Amsterdam: De Arbeiderspers [et al.], 1974.
Bulwer-Lytton, Edward. Kenelm Chillingly and Godolphin. – Boston: Dana Estates, 1880.
Byrne (Busk), Julia Clara. Gheel: The City of the Simple. – London: Chapman and Hall, 1869.
Caird, Mona. Romantic Cities of Provence. – London: T. Fisher Unwin, 1906.
Camille Pissarro: Letters to His Son
Camille Pissarro: Letters to His Son Lucien / eds. by John Rewald, Lucien Pissarro, transl. by Lionel Abel. – New York: Pantheon Books, 1945.
Carlyle, 1896
Carlyle, Thomas. Sartor Resartus / ed. by Archibald MacMechan. – Boston: Ginn & Company, 1896.
Carlyle, 1907
Carlyle, Thomas. On Heroes, Hero-Worship, and the Heroic in History. – Boston: Houghton Mifflin and Company, 1907.
Carlyle, 2005
Carlyle, Thomas. Critical and Miscellaneous Essays. – Ann Arbor (Michigan): University of Michigan Library, 2005.
Clébert, Richard
Clébert, Jean-Paul, Richard, Pierre. La Provence de Van Gogh. – Aix-en-Provence: Édisud, 1981.
Coquiot, Gustave. Vincent van Gogh. – Paris: Ollendorff, 1923.
Corbin, Alain. Women for Hire: Prostitution and Sexuality in France After 1850 / transl. by Alan Sheridan. – Cambridge (Mass.): Harvard University Press, 1990.
De Brouwer, 1998
Brouwer, Ton de.Van Gogh en Nuenen. – 2nd rev. ed. – Venlo: Van Spijk, 1998.
De Vries, van der Woude
Vries, Jan de, Woude, Ad M. van der. The First Modern Economy: Success, Failure, and Perseverance of the Dutch Economy, 1500–1815. – Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 1997.
Dickens, 1902
Dickens, Charles. The Complete Works of Charles Dickens. Vol. 25: Christmas Books. – New York: Harper & Brothers, 1902.
Dickens, 2000
Dickens, Charles. A Tale of Two Cities / ed. by Richard Maxwell. – London: Penguin Books, 2000.
Dijk, van der Sluis
Dijk, Wout J., Sluis, Meentvan der. De Drentsetijd van Vincent van Gogh. – Groningen: Boon, 2001.
Distel, Stein
Distel, Anne, Stein, Susan Alyson. Cézanne to Van Gogh: The Collection of Doctor Gachet. – New York: The Metropolitan Museum of Art, 1999.
Dorn et al.